It was that quiet time of the afternoon, when the air is calm and peaceful. The sun was still sharing her warmth but falling softly into the caress of West Mountain. The stalls were all clean and the fresh scent of shavings filled the barn. I had finished my lessons for the day and it was once again just me and my horse. We rounded the end of the arena and hit the strait line and started to build speed. By the middle of the arena we were at a good gallop and within a few strides we reached a full run. Just a few strides away from where I wanted to stop my horse jammed on the breaks; I jammed my back and poked him in the belly. He then grabbed his hind end out of the dirt and leaped forward, I slammed the back of the saddle. He grabbed the bridle and then I intentionally kicked him into the fence in front of us, pulled him around a few times and off we went again. Rounding the end we hit the strait line and did the same thing all over again, and again then one more time. Now both our kidneys hurt and the air expelling from our lungs was filled with silent anger. I took a deeper breath then urged my horse on; we turned the corner hit the strait line and built speed. This time I communicate well, he listens, the rhythm is perfect and when I say whoa thirty feet later the slide is over. We came together trusted one another and got the desired result. To perform a great sliding stop a rider and his horse must travel on a straight line, build speed, and be in sync. When these things happen in good footing conditions the results are amazing.
Right now our country is in the quiet time of the afternoon when some amazing things can happen. We just have to come together and insure good things do happen. We have to stay the course of a straight line to fiscal responsibility, start with small reform and build on it, then stay in sync to the finish. If we don’t everyone will get jammed around, hurt, and in the end be angry. It is time to start coming together.
For the past thirty years spending by our national government has been out of control with one exception. For a brief period in the 90’s we put together a contract with a Republican controlled congress, Democrat President, and balanced the budget. That flat spot in the chart is beautiful, especially when compared to the skyrocket spending of the last three years. We must balance the budget, create a fair tax system, and then have the discipline to stay the course. No one has ever used a credit card to pay off their mortgage and gotten ahead. The government has never given anything to us but what they have first taken it away from us. The government cannot give us free health care, housing, food, bail outs etc...The money they spend is ours. We pay them what they give away, and they are spending more than we give them. I will not just surrender and give them more!
I firmly believe by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. It starts with you, be involved, go to caucus night get people on the ballot that will stop the spending. Get them elected in your district. When we have a black congress again the blue President can’t shove things down our throat like healthcare reform, auto bailouts and out of control budgets. Course we would have to pass a budget if he did bother to send one, but that’s a whole nother blog. It’s very simple we just have to be active and start to build speed. Get the right person elected in your area and let’s have a black November. Yes that’s right black like the numbers on a balanced checkbook. I don’t care what party, we need people who can work within a budget, say a good housewife, business owner, accountant most everyone except a lawyer we have enough of those already.
This next thought could be dangerously honest but here we go. Growing up I think I knew one “African American” aka black kid, she was a foreign exchange student. I went to high school with 3500 people, I was prejudice but not racist. In my mid twenties the Lord sent me to southern California for two years. I actually met, talked, and worked with a lot of black people. I also met one very inspiring former White Supremacist T.J. Leyden. As a result of this I was no longer prejudice. Now in my mid thirties every time I hear Barak Obama talk about how everyone that disagrees with him is racist my blood boils. When his wife goes off on how he could get shot at the gas station because he is black, it makes my blood boil. Every time he plays the race card it sparks the fires I had put out a long time ago. Unfortunately our first HALF black president has made me more prejudice, his race propaganda is dividing. Every time he tells me how closed minded I am because I am conservative and then in the next breath says he will not back down or compromise because his way is the only way. The blood is so past boiling. I am sick of the divide he strongly helps create.
The best way to help the most people is somewhere in the middle it always has been always will be. When the founding fathers were in a fight about how many representatives for each state they came up with something called the great compromise. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel we just need to start using it again. The time has come to find something good and common in all of us as Americans, we need to unite. The best place to start is within the Republican Party. We need to stop hitting each other in the knees so we can win the gold medal and just start putting our best skaters on the ice to win first and second. If we always disagree on when to stop we will just bounce around. We have the power in our own little town, county, state and nation to pick a good strait line, build speed and make something great happen. The time to start is this quiet afternoon. Let’s figure out how we can get rid of people who divide us and replace them with ones who unite. It is a challenge and in my case the place to start is with the hands typing the words your reading. I hope we can stop fighting the rhythm of liberty and start sliding into happiness once again. Makes me think of my favorite sister in laws bumper sticker that says coexist. With our current leadership neither side is willing to do that. It’s time to stop running in circles and get some things lined out. If we start with the finances the rest gets easier. The way to fix that is to hire responsible people who can work together this November and fire those who will not. I want a new bumper sticker that reads “Retire Hatch, Fire Obama”. Now I just need to figure out how to fix my back after the jamming stops, feel free to send me some ideas on that.
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