Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring, Dust and Mayans

The sunshine felt good today as it shed the last grasps of winter in-lue of the summer rays.  The threats of spring snow seem a distant memory of weeks gone by as the dust rises from the outdoor arena.  Spring is in full bloom, while the first baby of the year runs a few feet farther from her mother every day exploring the new world.  The eternal season of hope is upon us and all around are the promises of good things to come.  The last spring of the Mayan calendar, the 2,012 of our current system.  So here we sit in the changing times looking forward to the future.  I wonder if the Mayan’s realized it would be a Presidential election year?

The real interesting thing in realation to all this is the Mayans figured their civilization would survive 1,112 years longer than it did.  The last leaders of the collapsing empire seeing the inevitable began to offer people as sacrifice to change the fate of their rule.  Unable to appease the Gods the mighty civilization that was too big to fail became a part of history.  The great cities reclaimed by the Jungle, a unified language split into over 70 variations.  Unimaginable wealth buried in the tombs of the greats of the past.  While those who survived the great fall continued to live off the land, clinging to their “guns and religion”.

I suspect if the Mayans got the whole end of the world right, those who know how to farm, hunt and survive off the land will keep praying and living happily into the year 2013.  CEO’s, Lawyers, and a host of others who offer relatively useless services will disappear in despair.  Reclaimed by the jungle the great cities of our civilization reduced to nothing more than a mix of stone and history. If people are not producing something productive and beneficial they need to be called what they are, useless.  Much like the leaders of self absorbed civilizations of the past. I fear many who try to lead us, really aim to sacrifice us to their Gods of power and hate. 

I am glad the sun felt really good today and we are in a season of change.  I love riding outside, having the sun sting my winter white skin.  I enjoy looking at the pasture and seeing my baby run and play but staying ever so vigilant of where mom is.  I am not worried about the end of the world, so far everyone has miss calculated that.  I am still sure the cup is half full.  Not sure what riding in a dusty arena has to do with the history of the Mayans but sure don’t want to be like them.  Still think its funny they predicted the end of the world the same time as a presidential election.

1 comment:

  1. Love: "having the sun sting my winter white skin." Something about a springtime sunburn that is so very special. Days like these make the end of the world seem far, far away. :-)
