Monday, June 11, 2012

Bucking horses named Nancy Puzzle.

Out in the pasture we have a very pretty sorrel mare.  She is always one of the first to greet you, will follow you around, and is very kind.  Her sire is a great horse, with a fantastic show and production record, and her mother is one of the best in the industry.  She is a great mover, excellent athlete, and will buck your butt off as soon as you get a little out of balance.  She flunked out of the training program after eight months of trying to fix her desire to pile you in the dirt when she thought you were not paying attention.  In cowboy terms she is a coyote, in layman terms a hypocrite. So why do I have her?

I ask myself this a lot. Take for example Nancy Pelosi, why do we have her?  She rants about the republican “war on women” and yet she pays her female staffers 26.7% less than her male staffers.  She wants to pass legislation so we can find out what is in it. But will not sign up for the services the legislation provides, after we read it.  Let’s just be honest the lady is a nut and if natural selection had a stronger role she would have been gone a long time ago.  I would love to take her on a pack trip into the middle of nowhere for the entertainment value alone.  Could you see her trying to catch a fish for dinner? Now that’s funny!

Then there are the subways inside a Wal-Mart.  Am I the only one that finds a healthy fast food chain inside the redneck store of the world a bit ironic?  Put dunkin' donuts in that place. This kind of stuff goes right along with New York's attempted ban on large soda drinks.  The ban proposed by politicians that raise money by having cocktail parties.  For fun go do the sugar and calorie math on that one and grab a diet Bacardi on ice while you’re at it.  For my readers short on time a fruity cocktail has more calories than two big macs or a 64-ounce soda. Drink that with with your cigarette and light beer at the next New York Democratic fundraiser.

I would hate to leave out folks like myself who run to the tea party and scream lower my taxes.  Then rush home to complain about the amount of my refund from last year.  I am not sure on the numbers but I would guess a bunch of us on the right don’t pay taxes in the end, or very little just like the Hollywood star who has their opperations set up in Nevada.  Did I mention how fantastic the latest George Clooney movie is? I had to give it a five star on my review.  Why do I watch his stuff?

In the end we all end up providing something good and something not as good.  I am sure there is a little bit of coyote in us all.  So why do we keep it around?  The same reason I keep our little mare puzzle, I hope to raise something good out of her, something better than what she is.  Pelosi has provided many great laughs while debating on the house floor.  I fill better about making fun of fat people at Wal-Mart when I am eating at sub-way.  I really enjoy a good movie and Maximus from Gladiator is still my hero. Even though he is portrayed by someone with a vastly different worldview than mine (I realize that Maximus is played by Russell Crow but Clooney has never given me a role to use as a hero and you get the point I hope).  I believe for the most part we are trying to make the world better and doing our best to pay the women in our lives as much as the men.  Sometimes is just hard to not buck when you see the opportunity to put someone in the dirt, just ask Puzzle.

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